Correct sun damage on the face, neck, and chest with IPL FotoFacial.
Do not use self tanning lotions or tanning beds at least one week prior to your laser treatment. Do not sunbathe one week prior to your appointment. After you begin the treatments, you should refrain from all tanning/sunbathing to reduce any complications.
Any patient arriving with a tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin and for the sake of your own safety.
Do not wax the area, one week before and one week after your laser treatment. Please be advised that you may expect a certain degree of discomfort, redness, and or irritation during and after your treatment. If any discomfort or irritation persist, please notify the office.
You may numb before your laser treatment, be sure you are booked for numbing at least 30 minutes before your actual appointment. If you’re unsure, give our office a call or text to make sure we booked you in for the added time.
You may experience mild swelling for one to three days after treatment. Apply an ice pack to the irritated area for 1 to 2 days, and approximately 15 minute intervals, 3 to 4 times per day. Redness, similar to a slight sunburn, for 2 to 3 days is a common side effect. You may apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce the redness. Makeup can be applied a day after treatment.
Brown spots and or freckles may turn darker and flake off or crumble off during and after your treatment, it may get worse before it gets better, but be patient…your results are coming soon!
Ask a staff member to recommend products to use for post treatment. It is important to keep your skin hydrated and adopt the use of sunblock of at least 30 SPF into your daily regimen as well as covering up by wearing a hat when outdoors.
After treatment, wash your face or other treated areas with lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser before bed. Do not use products that contain glycolic acid, AHA, or vitamin C for one week before and after treatment. You may wash your face same day, but wouldn’t hurt to wait a day either!
After you cleanse, use a hydrating moisturizer and a mineral SPF!
Gentle Cleanser Recommendation: Cetaphil Unscented Gentle Cleanser (sold at any drugstore)
Moisturizer Recommendation: Obagi Hydrate Gel or SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid (both sold at DermaCure)
Mineral SPF Recommendation: eltaMD UV Sheer, UV Daily, or UV Clear (all sold at DermaCure)
As a rare side effect, a blister or scar occur if so, gently wash the area use an antibiotic ointment such as back twice daily. It is recommended to have a minimum of five treatments, each treatment being 4 to 6 weeks apart for max benefit. It is recommended that you follow up after your last photo facial treatment has been completed. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact the office at 661–257–8400.
Have Questions?
Does the doctor do all of the injections?Both Dr. Ingber and his highly trained nurse, Nicole Deacon, perform all injections.
How do I know if my veins can be treated with your laser?The Coolglide 1064 yag laser is effective in treating spider veins, blue reticular veins, and broken capillaries on the face. Bulging and painful varicose veins are too deep to treat with the Coolglide laser. If you are unsure which veins you have, a member of our staff will be able to help you determine whether or not your veins are treatable.
Is Dermacure a Medspa?No. DermaCure is a medical office offering cosmetic treatments and lasers under the direct supervision of Dr. Craig Ingber, a board certified facial plastic surgeon. No spa services are offered by our staff, although the office does provide a soothing spa-like atmosphere.
Real Clients. Real Reviews.
“My treatment was quick and easy with excellent results.” Jennifer M.
“Dr. Ingber is the best.” V.H. Saugus
“I am very happy with my results!” M.L.